Training Policy 
No packages to buy. No contract for minimal amount of months. Pay weekly or monthly. All appointments must be rescheduled or canceled 24 hours in advance or client will be charged for missed session. When possible I will help to rearrange last minute schedule changes, but please note flexibility for these changes is very limited. Text messaging is the quickest way to reach me during business hours.

Newest Option- FaceTime/ Google Duo Virtual​

- Personal Training and Pilates -

Copyright © MyBodyTight LLC. All rights reserved.

 Mary-Aileen McLemore

Your trainer Mary-Aileen and 

happy virtual clients! Pets welcome :)

>>Insert you (and your furry friend?) <<


VIRTUAL > Currently this is the most popular option and has the most flexibility for your desired training time. Minimal equipment is needed for amazing results.

Solo or group classes offered. This IS NOT an aerobic class. Not everyone will be doing the same exercises. It is specified personal training for each person, even for the virtual option.  I cater to issues regarding bad backs, knees, etc... 

Flexible Time Slots
The most popular option is two sessions at one hour a week each. This will give you great results, and I will give you nutritional guidance as well. (Please note I am not a certified nutritionist or dietitian and by Alabama law cannot create specific diet plans).

Two sessions a week for 30 minutes each is also a great choice for anyone new to exercise, feeling a bit overwhelmed with changing their lifestyle, or simply hates exercise. (It's ok to admit that!)

Some clients prefer to have a stationary time each week. Others prefer the flexibility to change weekly times according to their schedule. Flexible time slots work great for nurses, part time employees, or those who occasionally have business meetings or children activities that change their normal schedule. For those on the flexible schedule, appointments are established one week in advance.